Johnston Youth Mentoring Program (JUMP)

JUMP (Johnston yoUth Mentoring Program) is a one to one youth mentoring program between community volunteers and 6-12th grade students. Mentors help mentees find personal and academic success by being a positive role model in their lives. They listen, encourage, and demonstrate commitment while supporting mentees as they work to achieve their goals.

Mentors meet with their students for one hour per week, during school hours. They participate in various activities throughout the school year. JUMP staff will work with you to find a day and time that fits your schedule. For many mentors and mentees this time spent together is a weekly highlight!

If you have any questions, please contact Karen Henderson on our JUMP team or fill out the application by clicking below! 

JUMP Mentor Application

Let’s make a difference, one student at a time… 

96% of JUMP students have a decrease in  office referrals

Mentored students improve relationships with peers, teachers and family members. Mentors listen and teach tolerance.

91% of JUMP students pass all of their courses

Community mentors help mentees reach their full potential by helping them earn better grades and plan for their future.

85% of JUMP students do not experience chronic school absences

Mentors demonstrate true commitment. They motivate students to stay in school, have good attendance and graduate. 

JUMP Team 

Chris Wilson

JCSD Director of SEMBH (Social- Emotional, Behavior, Mental Health)

Karen Henderson 

JUMP Mentor Recruitment Coordinator

Kate Howe

Youth Program Director

Tracy Andreasen

Summit Middle School Student Support Mentor

Heidi Graving 

Johnston Middle School Student Support Mentor

Kristin Lee 

Johnston High School Student

Support Mentor